Costume de baie intregi Chloe Chloé Swimsuits
ChloeChloé Swimsuits
2,103 Lei 3,737 Lei
-44% Nou
Genti de umar Chloe Chloé Shoulder Bags
ChloeChloé Shoulder Bags
2,442 Lei 3,251 Lei
-25% Nou
Camasi Chloe Chloé Shirts
ChloeChloé Shirts
1,284 Lei 2,085 Lei
-38% Nou
Ochelari de soare Chloe Chloé Sunglasses
ChloeChloé Sunglasses
1,799 Lei 1,988 Lei
-10% Nou
Camasi Chloe Chloé Shirts
ChloeChloé Shirts
1,479 Lei 2,571 Lei
-42% Nou
Fuste Chloe Chloé Skirts
ChloeChloé Skirts
3,729 Lei 7,137 Lei
-48% Nou
Camasi Chloe Chloé Shirts
ChloeChloé Shirts
3,846 Lei 7,429 Lei
-48% Nou
Fuste Chloe Chloé Skirts
ChloeChloé Skirts
2,090 Lei 4,223 Lei
Sandale Chloe Chloé Sandals
ChloeChloé Sandals
2,214 Lei 3,737 Lei
-41% Nou
Camasi Chloe Chloé Shirts
ChloeChloé Shirts
2,305 Lei 4,223 Lei
-45% Nou
Portofele Chloe Chloé Wallets
ChloeChloé Wallets
1,460 Lei 1,794 Lei
Camasi Chloe Chloé Shirts
ChloeChloé Shirts
2,423 Lei 4,514 Lei
-46% Nou
Ochelari de soare Chloe Chloé Sunglasses
ChloeChloé Sunglasses
1,727 Lei 1,891 Lei
-9% Nou
Ochelari de soare Chloe Chloé Sunglasses
ChloeChloé Sunglasses
1,799 Lei 1,988 Lei
-10% Nou
Ochelari de soare Chloe Chloé Sunglasses
ChloeChloé Sunglasses
1,799 Lei 1,988 Lei
-10% Nou
Camasi Chloe Chloé Shirts
ChloeChloé Shirts
3,448 Lei 6,457 Lei
-47% Nou
Genti mini Chloe Chloé Clutch
ChloeChloé Clutch
3,716 Lei 5,000 Lei
-26% Nou
Camasi Chloe Chloé Shirts
ChloeChloé Shirts
3,846 Lei 7,429 Lei
-48% Nou
Fuste Chloe Chloé Knit Long Skirt
ChloeChloé Knit Long Skirt
3,905 Lei 11,023 Lei
Camasi Chloe Chloé Shirts
ChloeChloé Shirts
4,101 Lei 7,914 Lei
-48% Nou
Genti mini Chloe Chloé Clutch
ChloeChloé Clutch
5,834 Lei 8,109 Lei
Genti de umar Chloe Chloé Shoulder Bags
ChloeChloé Shoulder Bags
2,442 Lei 3,251 Lei
-25% Nou
Genti mini Chloe Chloé Clutch
ChloeChloé Clutch
6,820 Lei 9,372 Lei
Pantaloni scurti Chloe Chloé High-Waisted Flared Trousers
ChloeChloé High-Waisted Flared Trousers
3,011 Lei 5,971 Lei
Pantaloni scurti Chloe Chloé Flared Silk Blend Wool Trousers
ChloeChloé Flared Silk Blend Wool Trousers
4,381 Lei 7,623 Lei
-43% Nou
Geci Chloe Chloé Single-Breasted Denim Jacket
ChloeChloé Single-Breasted Denim Jacket
4,848 Lei 10,052 Lei
Geci Chloe Chloé Jackets And Vests
ChloeChloé Jackets And Vests
5,063 Lei 10,052 Lei
-50% Nou
Geci Chloe Chloé Jackets And Vests
ChloeChloé Jackets And Vests
6,343 Lei 12,772 Lei
-50% Nou
Geci Chloe Chloé Short Leather Jacket
ChloeChloé Short Leather Jacket
9,552 Lei 17,338 Lei
-45% Nou
Genti de umar Chloe Chloé Bags
ChloeChloé Bags
4,933 Lei
Ochelari de soare Chloe Chloé Sunglasses
ChloeChloé Sunglasses
1,727 Lei 1,891 Lei
-9% Nou
Genti de umar Chloe Chloé "Marcie Small" Crossbody Bag
ChloeChloé "Marcie Small" Crossbody Bag
4,750 Lei 6,457 Lei
Genti de umar Chloe Chloé "Woody" Shoulder Bag
ChloeChloé "Woody" Shoulder Bag
4,199 Lei 5,680 Lei
Genti de umar Chloe Chloé Shoulder Bags
ChloeChloé Shoulder Bags
3,422 Lei 4,028 Lei
Genti de umar Chloe Chloé "Marcie" Crossbody Bag
ChloeChloé "Marcie" Crossbody Bag
3,735 Lei 5,000 Lei
Genti de umar Chloe Chloé "Marcie" Crossbody Bag
ChloeChloé "Marcie" Crossbody Bag
3,735 Lei 5,000 Lei
Sandale Chloe Chloé "Woody" Sandals
ChloeChloé "Woody" Sandals
1,688 Lei 2,280 Lei
Balerini Chloe Chloé "Lauren" Ballet Flats
ChloeChloé "Lauren" Ballet Flats
1,934 Lei 2,571 Lei
Pantaloni scurti Chloe Chloé Palazzo Pants
ChloeChloé Palazzo Pants
3,187 Lei 5,680 Lei
Genti de mana Chloe Chloé Small Tote Tote
ChloeChloé Small Tote Tote
7,706 Lei 8,620 Lei
Genti de mana Chloe Chloé Bags
ChloeChloé Bags
3,585 Lei
Blugi evazati Chloe Chloé Wide Leg Denim Jeans
ChloeChloé Wide Leg Denim Jeans
2,423 Lei 4,028 Lei
-40% Nou
Bluze Chloe Chloé Shirts
ChloeChloé Shirts
2,429 Lei 5,067 Lei
-52% Nou
Portofele Chloe Chloé Wallets
ChloeChloé Wallets
6,564 Lei 9,080 Lei
Portofele Chloe Chloé Wallets
ChloeChloé Wallets
2,724 Lei 2,935 Lei
Portofele Chloe Chloé Wallets
ChloeChloé Wallets
2,900 Lei 3,178 Lei
Genti de umar Chloe Chloé Shoulder Bags
ChloeChloé Shoulder Bags
5,905 Lei 6,845 Lei
Genti de mana Chloe Chloé Totes Bag
ChloeChloé Totes Bag
4,244 Lei 4,830 Lei

Despre Chloe

In 1952, Gaby Aghion si Jacques Lenoir au prezentat publicului o colectie de confectii ready-to-wear creata pentru femeile cu inclinatii romantice ce-si doresc un stil elegant. Asa s-a nascut brand-ul Chloe. De-a lungul anilor, multi designeri talentati si-au adus contributia la succesul si popularizarea brand-ului Chloe asa cum il stim azi.

In 2008, Hannah MacGibbon a devenit directorul de creatie al casei Chloe. Ea a reinterpretat valorile brand-ului, inspirandu-se din acestea pentru a crea noile colectii Chloe. Estetica designerului completeaza perfect stilul Chloe, rezultand colectii vizionare, feminine si deosebit de elegante – stilul Chloe la superlativ! Hannah MacGibbon si-a dorit sa instaureze o coerenta intre brand-urile si colectiile subsidiare Chloe, coordonand colectiile de accesorii cu cele de confectii ready-to-wear.

Colectia de ochelari de soare Chloe Eyewear reprezinta cel mai nou capitol in evolutia brand-ului. Colectia de ochelari se remarca printr-o estetica aparte: designerul se joaca cu ideea de forma si volum pentru a crea ochelari unici, intr-o gama diversificata de stiluri, de la formele retro supradimensionate pana la cei moderni tip aviator.Cu toate acestea, fiecare model reflecta din plin estetica si principiile Chloe, simbolizand o etapa din istoria brand-ului. In plus, colectia se remarca printr-o gama coloristica diversificata, ce impaca toate gusturile si stilurile. Ramele in culori discrete, naturale, romantice, scot perfect in evidenta forma fetei si evidentiaza calitatea materialelor folosite in tehnica de productie a ochelarilor de soare. Individualitate si eleganta – aceste atribute definesc perfect colectia de ochelari de soare de la Chloe.

Un numar mare de celebritati si vedete de top au adoptat cu mandrie si placere noile modele de ochelari de soare Chloe, apreciind din plin stilul lor chic si modern. Nu e de mirare ca ochelarii de soare Chloe au ajuns sa fie ravniti si visati de iubitoare ale modei din intreaga lume!